[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sugarcane Juice’s health benefits include

Slowing down the aging process, promoting weight loss, regulating blood sugar levels, strengthening the immune system, relieving stress, supporting cardiovascular health, fighting kidney stones, supporting dental health, and improving digestion. Sugarcane is rich in antioxidants so it helps fights infections and boost immunity. It’s rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and other electrolytes so it’s great for dehydration. It helps cure the common cold and other infections and also fight fever as it boosts the body’s protein levels. Besides these, there are a few more great health benefits of sugarcane juice that you must learn about:

1. One of the most important health benefits of sugarcane juice is that it is a diuretic, which helps treat urinary tract infections and kidney stones and ensures proper functioning of the kidneys.

2. According to Ayurveda, sugarcane juice helps strengthen your liver and is thus suggested as a remedy for jaundice. Jaundice is a condition where you find yellow pigmentation of the skin and membrane due to elevated levels of a substance known as bilirubin in bodily fluids and is triggered by the poor-functioning liver. What sugarcane juice does is replenish your body with proteins lost and nutrients that it needs to recover quickly.

3. Another important health benefit of sugarcane juice is due to it being rich in the good kind of carbohydrates, protein, iron, potassium, and other essential nutrients that make it the ideal energy drink. Especially in the summer months, a glass of cold sugarcane juice will enhance both your health and your depleting levels of energy. It builds up plasma and body fluids and helps counter dryness and fatigue.

4. Ayurveda also suggests that ‘sugarcane juice exhibits laxative properties thereby improving bowel movement and relieving constipation’. Sugarcane juice also has alkaline properties which means it’s good for treating acidity and stomach burns.

5. It has a low glycemic index (GI) so it comes highly recommended for diabetics. A study showed that drinking sugarcane juice did not alter the blood glucose levels of diabetics drastically but you should check with your doctor before you start to drink some of this yourself.

6. Sugarcane juice is extremely rich in minerals which helps prevent tooth decay and bad breath.

So now you know why sugar cane juice is so popular during the hot summer months in India. Whenever you feel like you need to replenish your body and rehydrate during the summers, grab that glass of chilled sugar cane juice and enjoy its benefits! (Source: Internet & NDTV)

– Dr. Jay

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