Ayurvedic Treatment for
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder. This is one of the most communal extra-pyramidal crippling ailments affecting aged adults. The disease has insidious arrival and its slow progressiveness leads to severe morbidity in advanced age. A disease condition ‘vepathu’ termed in Ayurveda Treatment may be associated with Parkinsons disease.
Parkinson’s disease is a diverse and hereditary complex disorder of largely unidentified etiology. It is second most common neurodegenerative disease in the overall population.
The advancement of this disease and the amount of impairment vary from individual to individual. Some people affected with Parkinson live for more productive life, whereas others become disabled much more quickly. Generally premature death is due to complications such as falling-related injuries or pneumonia.
Classification of Parkinson’s Disease
Primary or Idiopathic
Idiopathic Parkinson has no known cause. This type tends to respond well to drugs that work by improving the levels of dopamine molecules in the brain.
Secondary or Acquired
Secondary Parkinson’s has a known cause. The utmost common origin is the use of drugs that decrease dopaminergic activity.
When one inherits disease-related genes of Parkinson’s from parents.
Parkinson Plus Syndromes or Multiple System Degeneration
Parkinson Plus Syndrome is a progressive neurological disease caused by excess brain protein, leading to nerve cell degeneration in multiple brain systems.
Signs and Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Shaky in fingers, hands, arms, feet, legs, jaw or head
Stiffness of Limbs and trunk, muscle aches and pain, loss of fine hand movements.
Slowness to initiate movement and complete movement.
Postural Instability
Impaired or lost reflexes
Parkinsonian Gait
Walking in a stooped position or absence of arm swing.
Also associated symptoms like Light headedness/Dizziness, Constipation, Urinary Issues, Muscle Cramps, Speech Problems and Swallowing Difficulty are seen.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease
Transform Your Life with Holistic Wellness!
Explore our tailored programs that restore the balance in your body, mind, and soul. Start your journey towards rejuvenation and healing!
All the Ayurveda treatments will be customized by Physician only after detailed consultation. Treatments may be changed based on the individual strength.