migraine headache ayurvedic herbs and therapeutic approach


Migraine is a type of headache disorder characterized by intense, throbbing pain, typically on one side of the head. It is often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Stress, hormone changes, irregular food habits, and environmental changes can trigger migraines, lasting from a few hours to several days and significantly impacting daily activities and quality of life.

Prodrome stages of Migraine headache:

The prodrome stage starts one or two days before a migraine headache. Recognizing these early symptoms can help manage and reduce the severity of the migraine. Common prodrome symptoms include:

  • Depression: A noticeable drop in mood, feeling low or hopeless.
  • Food Cravings: Sudden and intense cravings for certain foods.
  • Fatigue: Uncommon tiredness and low energy levels.
  • Yawning: Frequent yawning, more than usual.
  • Hyperactivity: Increased levels of activity or restlessness.
  • Irritability: Feeling unusually irritable or ill-tempered.
  • Neck Stiffness: Stiffness or tension in the neck area.

By being aware of these early signs, individuals can take preemptive steps to manage their migraine more effectively.

Causes of Migraine headache

In Ayurveda, migraines are primarily attributed to an imbalance of Vata and Pitta Doshas. Pitta, associated with the fire element, regulates metabolism, while Vata, linked to the air element, controls movement. When these doshas worsen, they disrupt the energy flow, leading to migraines.

Some of the significant causes of migraine headaches include

  • Emotional triggers such as stress, anxiety, depression, and excitement.
  • Physical triggers include tiredness, poor sleep, poor posture, jet lag, and low blood pressure.
  • Diet triggers such as irregular meals, dehydration and alcohol.
  • Environmental triggers include bright lights, blue screens, loud noises, and strong smells.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine headaches focuses on addressing the root causes rather than symptoms. It combines herbal remedies, lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and treatments to restore balance and prevent severe migraine.

Ayurvedic Herbal Remedy for Migraine Headache Relief

Ayurveda offers effective herbal remedies for migraine headache relief.

  • Feverfew (Tanacetum Parthenium): Feverfew reduces inflammation and helps decrease the severity and frequency of migraines.
  • Ginger: Ginger’s anti-inflammatory qualities help reduce migraine discomfort and nausea and improve digestion.
  • Brahmi: Brahmi calms the nervous system, lowering stress-related migraines and improving focus.
  • Lavender: Lavender reduces migraines and anxiety. Dilute with a carrier oil for inhalation or a relaxing head massage with Brahmi oil.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint relieves anxiety, stress, and migraines with its soothing properties.
  • Coriander: Coriander seeds reduce migraines and inflammation with their cooling agents.

Migraine headache treatment in Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle and a nourishing diet.

A few recommendations are listed below:

  • Stress management: Relaxation practices such as meditation, moderate physical exercise, and gentle yoga can help reduce stress, a significant migraine trigger.
  • Regular sleep schedule: Having a regular sleep routine can help relax and reduce migraines.
  • Avoiding trigger foods: Processed meats, aged cheeses, artificial additives, or any form of processed food can trigger migraines. Identifying and avoiding these foods is crucial for managing migraines.
  • Hydration: Drinking enough water throughout the day promotes general health and can help prevent dehydration-induced migraine

Ayurvedic Treatments:

  • Ardhavabedhaka, the Ayurvedic term for migraine, refers to intense and penetrating one-sided pain. Migraine patients with Vata-Pitta Dosha can experience extreme discomfort, redness, and burning sensations in their eyes. Migraine is typically related to a history of acidity and digestive difficulties.
  • This treatment focuses on removing Kapha dosha to help relieve Pitta disorders. It consists of Kaya Virechana (therapeutic purging), Pathya Ahara (a healthy, balanced diet), and Vihara (a structured lifestyle).

Other Ayurvedic Therapies for Migraine Headache Management

Ayurveda provides some of the most beneficial therapies for migraine.

Here are some standard Ayurvedic therapies:

    • Shirodhara: Warm herbal oil is streamed onto the forehead to promote relaxation and relieve migraines caused by stress and anxiety.
    • Nasya: Medicated oils are applied to the nasal passages to clear blockages and lessen sinus-related migraines.
    • Abhyanga: Soothing and therapeutic full-body massage with warm herbal oils to improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tension.
    • Mukhalepam: Herbal face pastes and masks are applied to reduce stress, improve blood circulation, and mitigate migraine triggered by stress and anxiety.
    • Panchakarma: Panchakarma is the detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that eliminates toxins, restores balance, and rectifies imbalances that cause migraines.


Ayurvedic migraine headache treatment relies on natural and holistic methods to manage and prevent these headaches. People can improve their health by addressing the root problems, balancing the doshas, and changing their lifestyles. Herbal medicines, Ayurvedic therapies, yoga, and meditation can boost therapeutic efficacy. Contact us today for personalized care and expert guidance.